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Brace Yourself For Another EU PoUS Change

Beginning March 1, 2024, companies involved in importing or exporting goods within the European Union will need to get T2L(F) documents through the new EU Proof of Union Status system (PoUS). Please note that paper-based T2L(F) documents will no longer be accepted.

T2L(F) documents indicate that goods are moving freely within the European Union. When the destination is within the EU’s customs territory but outside its VAT area, a T2LF is used. In all other situations, a T2L document is required.

The rollout of the new system will occur in two phases. The initial phase, starting on March 1, 2024, will involve the shift from paper T2L(F) documents to their digital versions within the PoUS system.

The second phase will integrate the customs goods manifest, anticipated to be implemented by the third quarter of 2025.

What is Union Status ?

Goods are considered to have union status under specific conditions within the European Union. This includes goods obtained within the EU, imported into the EU and subsequently released into free circulation, or produced entirely from goods meeting these criteria.

If goods do not meet these conditions for release into free circulation, they are classified as having “non-union” status. It’s important to note that all goods within the EU customs territory are initially presumed to have union status. This presumption arises because goods typically attain union status upon their release into free circulation.

What are T2L and T2L (F) forms?

T2L and T2LF forms serve the purpose of demonstrating that goods have recently been in free circulation within the EU but have temporarily left the community for transit purposes. It’s essential to note that the proof of union status provided by T2L and T2LF forms is only valid for 90 days from the date of registration.

How does this impact you?

If you want to keep using T2L(F) documents, you’ll need to switch to a new digital system called the PoUS platform on the EU Customs Trader Portal.

From the 1st of March, any goods travelling on a T2L or a T2L (F) form must be declared electronically on the new EU Proof of Union Status (POUS) system, so you’ll be trading in your old paper documents for a newer, digital version.

You’ll get a special number called an MRN from the system.To confirm your movement has been completed, you must electronically submit the Movement Reference Number of your clearance on arrival of the goods

Remember to give this number to customs when your goods arrive. Finally take a quick look at your supply chain process to make sure everything’s ready for the change. Be in the know

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