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Your EU ICS2 Questions Answered: A Comprehensive FAQ Guide

The Import Control System 2 (ICS2) is an important part of the European Union’s import procedure. It aims to increase security by requiring prior notification of cargo before goods enter the EU. This FAQ guide answers common questions about EU ICS2.

What is ICS2?

Import Control System 2 (ICS2) is the European Union’s safety and security system; it supports the following processes:

What is the aim of ICS2?

The primary aim of ICS2 is to protect the EU internal market and citizens from safety and security threats. The system requires pre-arrival cargo information to perform risk analysis, enabling early identification of potential threats.

ICS2 aims to protect the EU from various safety & security risks, including:

  • Narcotics

  • Explosives in air cargo

  • Dangerous toys

  • Harmful electronics

  • Weapons

  • Dangerous fake medicines

  • Contaminated foods

  • All sorts of organised smuggling

Want to learn more about ICS2? Click Here!

What are the ICS2 releases?

The Import Control System 2 implements risk management processes, new systems, and new Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) requirements in three releases:

ICS2 R1:

  • Targets express carriers and EU-based postal operators

  • Requires Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) using the minimum dataset

ICS2 R2:

  • Targets freight forwarding and logistics providers and air carriers

  • Requires complete ENS dataset for all the goods in air transport

ICS2 R3:

  • Targets maritime, inland waterways, rail, and road carriers

  • Requires complete ENS for all goods

What is an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS)?

Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) is a mandatory requirement for all goods entering the EU customs territory. This declaration is sent before the arrival of goods and contains all the basic information about the consignment, which is used by customs authorities to carry out risk analysis.

When is ENS EU required?

ENS is required for all goods entering the EU customs territory, regardless of their origin and destination within the EU. All the cargo must be covered by ENS that is being discharged in an EU port, as well as FROB cargo (Freight Cargo Remaining on Board).

Who is responsible for ENS submission?

Generally, the responsibility of lodging ENS lies with the carrier who brings goods into the EU customs territory. In case the carrier doesn’t have all the legally required information about the cargo to fill the ENS, those particulars are filed by the person who holds the information, eventually enabling the carrier to submit the complete ENS.

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When must an ENS be lodged?

The ENS must be lodged 24 hours before the cargo is loaded at the port.

What is multiple filing?

Multiple filing is a process of filing an ENS that is composed of two or more partial ENS filings that are linked together.

Which data is required for ICS2?

Traders must submit thorough and detailed data sets for ICS2 compliance, which include:

  • In-depth information about the consignor and consignee

  • Information about goods, such as product quantities, classification codes, and descriptions

Which are the default notifications sent to the filing party?

The following notifications will be sent to the person filing an ENS when applicable:

  • IE3R01: ENS Registration Response

  • IE3N01: ENS lifecycle validation error notification

  • IE3Q01: Do Not Load request

  • IE3Q02: Additional information request

  • IE3N10: Amendment Notification

  • IE3R07: Invalidation Acceptance Response

  • IE3Q03: High Risk Cargo & Mail screening request

  • IE3N07: House consignment in incorrect state notification

  • IE3N99: Error notification

  • IE3N08: Control notification

  • IE3N09: Authorized Economic Operator control notification

  • IE3R08: ENS Consultation results

  • IE3N04: Additional Information Request Notification

  • IE3N05: Cargo Screening Request Notification

  • IE3N03: Risk Assessment Complete

  • IE3N02: ENS Not Complete Notification

  • IE3N11: ENS Pending Notification

Which businesses and transport modes are affected by the ICS2?

Import Control System 2 affects all the businesses that import goods into the European Union, including express, postal, and cargo businesses. Plus, goods entering the EU by air, rail, inland waterways, air, and maritime will have to be covered by ENS.

What is Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI)?

Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) means a specific ENS filing type in which a minimum dataset (7+1) is mandatory to be filed before loading cargo on an aircraft in a third country. It can be used only for air cargo.

Are amendments to the ENS allowed after the initial declaration?

Make sure to have an accurate and complete ENS before submission; however, you can make amendments if something changes. You can only make amendments until the point of arrival in the EU.

How should stakeholders prepare for ENS EU?

NVOCCs and freight forwarders should update their IT systems, familiarise themselves with the requirements, and make sure that agents and staff are properly trained. They will also need to make sure that their customers are ready to adhere to this new rule.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with ICS2?

There can be severe repercussions for breaking ICS2 regulations. Businesses may be subject to financial penalties, processing delays for shipments, and, in more extreme situations, seizure of goods.

Who is an IT Service Provider (ITSP) in the ICS2 system?

An IT service provider (ITSP) is any entity that offers IT services to a declarant or representative. This essentially enables them to connect to the system and electronically submit customs declarations, usually by handling the technical aspects of data exchange with the customs authorities on the user’s behalf.

In order to operate within the ICS2 system, an ITSP must be registered and identified with an EORI number.

When is the EORI number required for the consignee?

The EORI number of a consignee is required if the consignee is an EU-based legal person (a person having business or company in the EU).

Please keep in mind that the EORI numbers for the consignee and the supplementary declarant may differ.

How does ICS2 determine where to send notifications to?

ICS2 uses the information of Economic Operators (EOs) to direct messages. The same channel that is used for ENS filing or arrival notifications is used to send notifications. For instance,

  • If ENS was filed via S2S, notifications are sent via S2S.
  • If filed via U2S, notifications are sent via U2S.

For Economic Operators (EOs) not filing directly, notifications follow preferences set through the STP.

By default, the filer receives the following notifications via U2S:

  • IE3Q01: Request Not to Load
  • IE3Q02: Request for Additional Information
  • IE3Q03: Request for High-Risk Mail & Cargo Screening

How can an EO access STP?

To access the STP, an EO must be a UUM&DS user and contact the National Service Desk (NSD) for ICS2 STP-related roles.

Key STP roles include:

  • EO-DECL (Declarant)
  • EO-REP (Representative)
  • EO-CONF (Configurator)
  • EO-PNA (Person Notifying Arrival)
  • EO-NOP (Notify Party)

The NSD assists with UUM&DS issues, STP access, and system configuration.

For more details, view the UUM&DS online course: [UUM&DS System Guide].

Which EORI number should an Economic Operator use?

  • Own access point: The EO holds both Sender and Declarant roles and must use its unique EORI number for certificate registration and ENS filing.
  • Using an IT Service Provider: The IT Service Provider registers a certificate with its own EORI number (Sender role), while the EO uses its EORI number for the ENS filing (Declarant role).

Wrapping up

You can ensure compliant and smooth EU imports by understanding the complexities of ICS2. If you have more queries or need more guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customs and trade compliance experts.

For more details about ICS2, visit BIFA’s comprehensive guide.

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