Fast & Accurate ENS GB & EU ICS2 Solutions Built for You.
The European Union (EU) created a comprehensive framework called the Import Control System 2 (ICS2) to improve the security of international trade. The ICS2 mandates the submission of a crucial document named Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) to protect the EU borders while promoting the smooth flow of commodities.
This blog is intended to give you a clear understanding of ICS2 and ENS and how they streamline cross-border trading.
The Import Control System 2 (ICS2) is a transformative system that ensures the safety and security of goods entering or passing the European Union (EU). By proactively identifying and mitigating the risks before the arrival of goods, this robust system guarantees the security and compliance of imported goods with the EU rules and regulations.
Read out our detailed guide on ICS2 for more information!
Import Control System (ICS2) will be released in three phases as per its alignment with the Union Customs Code (UCC). Each phase affects different modes of transportation and Economic Operators (EOs).
Release date: Went live on 15 March 2021.
Who it affects: European-based and third-country postal operators and express carriers.
What it includes: Postal operators and express carriers are required to submit Pre-Loading Advanced Cargo Information (PLACI) to the ICS2 using a minimum ENS dataset for all the goods they are bringing into the EU.
Release date: Went live on 1 March 2023.
Who it affects: Air and express carriers, postal operators, and freight forwarders.
What it includes: Economic operators (EOs) must submit ENS data for all the goods transported by air in express and general cargo and postal consignments.
Release date: Went live on 3 June 2024.
Who it affects: EOs carrying goods by inland waterways, sea, road, and rail.
The deployment window for transport mode: Some EOs may not be ready to begin ENS filing to ICS2 Release 3 on the specified go-live date:
3 June 2024 to 4 December 2024: Maritime and inland waterways carriers
4 December 2024 to 1 April 2025: maritime and inland waterways house level filers
1 April 2025 to 1 September 2025: Rail and road carriers
The journey of fully operational ICS2 Release 3 was started on 3 June 2024. By this date, vessel operators and ocean carriers handling shipments destined for or passed through the European Union, faced new import regulations.
ICS2 is going to attain another milestone on December 4, 2024, particularly for freight forwarders and Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs). These operators will have to shift to the new system designed to enhance the accuracy of the cargo information provided to the EU’s Import Control System (ICS2).
Protect the internal market and EU citizens from threats to their safety and security.
Give EU customs officials the ability to more accurately detect high-risk shipments and take appropriate action at the appropriate stage of the supply chain.
Encourage targeted, proportionate customs measures at the external borders in emergency situations.
Make it easier for lawful trade to cross borders.
Make it easier for EU Customs Authorities and Economic Operators (EOs) to share information.
In ENS, the term “safety” refers to the severe risks to the environment or the health and welfare of the people inside the security zone. This involves the spread of illnesses or tainted products, such as those with a high concentration of medicines, carcinogens, or other potentially harmful chemicals.
The term “security” covers items such as explosives, weapons, dual-use goods, and cargo containing radioactive, chemical, and nuclear materials.
Tired of struggling with manual ENS declarations?
The Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) is a crucial part of Import Control System 2 to improve the efficiency and security of the supply chain. The role of ENS is to provide comprehensive details of all the goods in a shipment to ensure a complete security assessment before entering the EU.
ICS2 mandates the submission of ENS prior to arrival in the EU; it should include the following information:
Shipment information: It includes:
Ocean carriers
Transaction parties: It includes information about:
Actual shipper (consignor)
Actual consignee
The introduction of ICS2, focusing on ENS compliance, represents a major advancement in improving trade security and efficiency inside the EU. ICS2 facilitates a more proactive and efficient approach to border control by requiring comprehensive pre-arrival data, which lowers the risk of security threats and expedites customs procedures.
ICS2 and ENS will continue to be crucial instruments for guaranteeing a safe and secure trading environment as the EU modifies its trade policies.
Allow iCustoms to streamline the entire ENS filing to ICS2, ensuring accuracy and a seamless process. Experience the efficiency of iCustoms today!
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Automate data entry, reduce errors and ensure compliance