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Understanding the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO)

As international trade continues evolving, so do the systems facilitating it. From 1st April 2025, a new groundbreaking system called the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO) will be introduced to manage the logistics movements between France and the UK. It will be fully implemented on 1st September 2025.

Similar to GVMS (which manages movements between the UK and the EU), ELO is designed to offer a dedicated interface for the operators of the UK and France, which streamlines the trade.

What is the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO)?

The Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO) is a unified online service that consolidates customs and logistics data into a single reference point. It will not replace or integrate with any UK customs formalities.

The goal of this system is to make crossing the Smart Border easier by requiring drivers to show a single barcode that contains all the information they need for their trip.

Implementation timeline

1st April 2025 Introduction of the ELO with a transition phase.
1st September 2025 Mandatory compliance begins, requiring drivers to present the ELO-linked barcode at border crossings.

Key objectives of ELO

  • It guarantees that all the customs declarations are correctly submitted and have appropriate status at the border.
  • It harmonises pairing methods between the UK and France, reducing manual errors and simplifying the overall process.
  • It offers a single barcode consolidating all the required data that streamlines the processes for the drivers.

Stakeholders impacted by ELO

Who Needs to Prepare for ELO
  • Drivers: Lorry drivers will benefit from streamlined border crossings thanks to a single barcode that contains all the required information.
  • Economic operators: They need to modify their processes to guarantee compliance. A single person will be designated to create the ELO.
  • ELO managers: They will use the new ELO interface and have a Prodouane account. Additionally, they will need to collect all of the information required to create the ELO from the other economic operators in the supply chain.

How does the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO) facilitate traders?

To facilitate cross-border logistics between France and the UK, the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO) offers a number of innovative features. Here is a thorough breakdown of its salient features:

Single ELO per truck

All vehicles must have their own ELO, whether they are empty or loaded with cargo. This guarantees that the system has a record of each truck that crosses the Smart Border.

The “one ELO per truck” rule makes it impossible to make more than one sub-envelope for a single vehicle, which makes things easier for both drivers and logistics operators.

Unified barcode

The unified barcode serves as a digital summary of all the necessary information. It contains declaration data and goods information. The ELO eliminates the need for drivers to handle numerous documents or declarations at border checkpoints by combining all of this data into a single barcode.

Single reference for drivers

Drivers only need to provide the ELO-linked barcode as a single point of reference to link a truck with the logistics information and customs declarations. This reference connects the truck with its virtual documentation.

It guarantees that customs officers can promptly confirm that the truck complies with all applicable laws without needing the driver to provide extra manual information.

Integration with the ICS2

If traders want to use ELO in the transition period (between 1st April and 1st September 2025), they must submit the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) to the ICS2. ELO will only accept ICS2 declarations as ENS declarations.

Wrapping up

The implementation of the Obligatory Logistics Envelope (ELO) is a significant step in improving compliance and efficiency at the UK-France Smart Border. For a smooth transition to this new system, it is crucial to get prepared beforehand.

With the ELO, cross-border logistics appears to have a more promising, effective, and uncomplicated future.

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